{% macro displaySession(studentSession, formation, specificCounters) %}
{% import "Pdf/session.html.twig" as sessionItem %}
{% set aircraft = studentSession.session.aircraft %}
{% set lessonLabel = studentSession.session.formation.ato.dictionary.lesson.label %}
{{ lessonLabel }} {{ studentSession.session.lesson ? studentSession.session.lesson.name : studentSession.session.lessonExtra ? studentSession.session.lessonExtra.name ~ " - " : '' }}
{% if studentSession.session.lessonExtra and studentSession.session.lessonExtra.isTest %}
{{ lessonLabel }} {{ "de test"|trans }}
{% elseif studentSession.session.lessonExtra and studentSession.session.lessonExtra.lesson is not null %}
{{ lessonLabel }} {{ "dupliqué"|trans }}
{% elseif studentSession.session.lessonExtra %}
{{ lessonLabel }} {{ "supplémentaire"|trans }}
{% endif %}
{# Lesson ratings #}
{% if (studentSession.session.lesson is not null and studentSession.session.lesson.notation is not null) or formation.lessonNotation is not null %}
{% for ratingValue in (studentSession.session.lesson is not null and studentSession.session.lesson.notation is not null ? studentSession.session.lesson.notation.ratingValues : formation.lessonNotation.ratingValues) %}
{% if ratingValue.mediaValue is not empty %}
{% else %}
{{ ratingValue.value }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if studentSession.session.counters is not empty %}
{% endif %}
{% if studentSession.session.sessionSkills is not empty %}
{% endif %}
{% if studentSession.session.additionalItems is not empty %}
{% set notations = get_notations(formation.children, formation) %}
{% endif %}